ALLENTOWN, Pa. — The cost of the lawsuit between Allentown’s top officials continues to grow even though it was put on hold last month.
Allentown City Council in June set aside $20,000 to “pursue any and all equitable and legal remedies” in its battle with Mayor Matt Tuerk over an investigation into claims of racism and workplace discrimination within city government.
Tuerk said he would not honor a contract — one he called “defective” and “void” — for former FBI agent Scott Curtis after council hired him to lead the probe.
Council members in July hired Mary Kay Brown to potentially sue Tuerk.
The mayor and council were at odds for several months before Brown filed suit on council’s behalf against Tuerk and Finance Director Bina Patel in September, accusing them of obstructing Curtis’ investigation by not paying him.
Lawyers for both sides were due to first appear in court on Dec. 5, but council members voted 4-3 the night before to temporarily suspend its litigation and work with Tuerk to launch a new investigation.
'Attorney needs to get paid'
Tuerk in July said council members were “throwing good money after bad money” by hiring an attorney and setting aside $20,000 for legal fees.
But Brown’s work for council over the past six months could cost the city more than $70,000.
“If someone’s doing work, they need to get paid. Just like Mr. Curtis needs to get paid, this attorney needs to get paid."Councilwoman Ce-Ce Gerlach
Council on Wednesday approved a $50,000 transfer into its legal services account to pay Brown. City Council Clerk Mike Hanlon said most of the money would pay for work Brown completed before council called off its litigation against Tuerk.
“If someone’s doing work, they need to get paid,” Councilwoman Ce-Ce Gerlach said. “Just like Mr. Curtis needs to get paid, this attorney needs to get paid. She did work and it’s not her fault there was a shift among some folks on council.”
Brown has billed council for more than $65,000 in work, but members should expect more bills, City Controller Jeff Glazier said Wednesday.
“But we won’t know until we know,” Glazier said.
Council last year earmarked $300,000 — or more — for Curtis’ investigation.
But Curtis has not yet been paid for his now-paused probe. He’s owed tens of thousands of dollars, Zucal said this week.