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An 8,000-square-foot restaurant at South Whitehall Township development not on the menu

PJ Whelihan's rendering.png
South Whitehall Township
A rendering of the P.J. Whelihan's restaurant that South Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners voted against being built at Ridge Farms on Wednesday night.

SOUTH WHITEHALL TWP., Pa. — An 8,000-square-foot, sit-down restaurant that a developer hoped to bring to a mixed-use housing project at Ridge Farms is just not on the menu.

On Wednesday night, the township board of commissioners voted 3-2 against a text amendment request that would have allowed for the building of the restaurant.

A vote to approve the text amendment request would override the Traditional Neighborhood Development, or TND, Residential Overlay zoning ordinance that limits a restaurant building on the property to 5,000 square feet.

A text amendment refers to a change to the text of the law or ordinance as written.

“I’m really reluctant to go forward with this.”
Monica Hodges, vice president, South Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners

According to the ordinance, restaurants built on the mixed-use development at Cedar Crest Boulevard and Walbert Avenue can only be sit-down restaurants.

A P.J. Whelihan’s Pub and Restaurant was being considered by the developer, Kay Builders Inc., of Allentown, had the text amendment been approved.

Several PJ Whelihan’s are close to Ridge Farms, including one near Tilghman Street and Hausman Road.

A TND Residential Cluster Overlay refers to a zoning designation that applies the principles of TND to a residential area, allowing for a clustered arrangement of homes on a parcel of land, often with shared open spaces, while still maintaining the underlying zoning district's regulations.

'We'll just build apartments'

Board Vice President Monica Hodges, who voted against the text amendment, said South Whitehall has many successful restaurants that are 5,000 square feet.

“I’m reluctant to change anything that was agreed upon during the conditional use process,” she said. “One of the things that is important to me is the public trust.

“I’m really reluctant to go forward with this.”

After the meeting, Rick Koze, president of Kay Builders, said he would not go before the board again to lobby for the allowing of the larger restaurant.

“We’ll just build the apartments,” he said.

“The restaurant business is tough; there aren’t many new ones opening up. P.J. was a potential one.”

There is some interest from a restaurant company to launch in a smaller property, Koze said.

“I won’t mention their name,” he said. “But they would like more square footage.”

David Manhardt, township director of community development, noted the board has expressed concerns about the larger restaurant request.

“I know requests for larger restaurants is a trend,” Manhardt said. “But I struggle with the context without the rest of the development. It would be hard to approve an 8,000-square-foot restaurant.”

'Keep the project moving forward'

Commissioner Chris Peischl said he's in favor of allowing the larger restaurant to be built. He pointed out how much fun his son and friends have watching football at such establishments.

“It’s a great atmosphere,” he said. “It’s something different that we don’t have in South Whitehall.”

Jacob Roth, assistant township secretary, left the door open a crack for a larger restaurant.

“At this point, I don’t know if I’m in favor of a text amendment,” he said. “I’d like to see what happens post-residential [development].

"Once that’s underway, at that point I’d be more interested in looking at a text amendment.”

Koze said he now is focused on “just keeping the project moving forward.”

“The condos on the west side of the property should be in the summer time frame,” he said.

As for placing a 5,000-square-foot restaurant at Ridge Farms, Koze said he could place one on the property.

“But I’m not comfortable right now with what’s out there,” he said.

Appointments approved

Also Wednesday, the following reappointments were approved:

Township solicitor — Joseph A. Zator II, Zator Law

Alternate Township solicitor — James L. Broughal; Broughal & DeVito

Civil Service Commission solicitor— Eckert Seamans

Pension Committee solicitor — Eckert Seamans

Labor counsel — Eckert Seamas

Building Code Appeals Board solicitor— Lawrence B. Fox

Township Tax Appeal Hearing Officer— Lawrence B. Fox.

Township Engineer — The Pidcock Company

Alternate Township Engineer — Keystone Consulting Engineers

Sewage Enforcement Officer — Keystone Consulting Engineers

Geotechnical Engineer — Hanover Engineering

Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officer — Hanover Engineering

Utility Engineer — Spotts, Stevens and McCoy

Third-Party Residential Inspector — Barry Isett & Associates

Third-Party Commercial Inspector — KeyCodes Inspection Agency

Alternate Third-Party Residential Inspector — KeyCodes Inspection Agency

Special Tax Counsel for township BP Tax Collection — Patrick M. Hitchens, Esquire; Kilkenny Law.