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Lehigh University seeks help finding missing student

Daniel Lee.jpg
Lehigh University
Daniel Lee, the missing Lehigh University student.

BETHLEHEM, Pa. -- A second-year engineering student from New Jersey reportedly has been missing from Lehigh University since Jan. 20, said Lehigh University officials.

Last seen in “a grey shirt with red sleeves, black-and-white athletic-type pants, and black sneakers,” Daniel Lee is a university center facilities work-study student.

A statement from Jason Schiffer, Lehigh University Police Department’s chief, said, “Lehigh and the Lehigh University Police Department (LUPD) are asking for your help in locating Daniel Lee, a second-year engineering student from New Jersey who has been missing since Friday, Jan. 20.

"Foul play is not suspected in Daniel's disappearance. LUPD is working closely with the Bethlehem Police Department (BPD) on helping to locate him.”

The police department is asking that any information that may help in locating Lee should be called in to Lehigh University Campus Safety at 610-758-4200.