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Bethlehem Council President Michael Colón to seek reelection

Michael Colón
Michael Colón
Bethlehem City Council President Michael Colon announced he will seek reelection

BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Bethlehem City Council President Michael G. Colón announced Wednesday that he will seek re-election.

  • Bethlehem City Council President Michael G. Colón has announced he will seek reelection
  • Colón, a Democrat, first was elected in 2016
  • The primary election is set for May 16

"Serving the citizens of Bethlehem has been a rewarding and humbling honor since I took office in 2016 — an honor I value as one of the highest forms of service to the community," Colón said in a statement.

"The next three months I’ll continue to be out in the community, in our neighborhoods answering what questions I can for the citizens of Bethlehem while asking for another four years as their representative on council."

Colón, a Democrat, first was elected in 2016. 

He said that when he first ran for council, "we were still talking about the pros and cons of switching to single hauler trash system. Four years ago we were navigating the merger of our 911 system with the Northampton County 911 Center."

He said that as Bethlehem recovered from the coronavirus pandemic, the city has budgeted millions of dollars "to help our community organizations and service providers bring their missions to our citizens."

"The next four years will require us as a community to keep our focus on ongoing issues such as the affordable housing crisis while also preparing for whatever challenges come at us next."
Bethlehem Council President Michael Colón

"In the wake of ongoing discussions on how we provide police services we have supported our police department as it has expanded its community policing efforts and implemented a social worker to further assist those in need," he said.

He also noted city council worked together in 2022 to pass legislation requiring members to recuse themselves from votes where they would have a financial conflict — including campaign contributions.

"The next four years will require us as a community to keep our focus on ongoing issues such as the affordable housing crisis while also preparing for whatever challenges come at us next," he said.

"While I’ve been in both the majority and minority on major City Council votes, I will continue to be someone who cares about access to city services, community taxpayer needs and positive outcomes when engaging our local government."

Colón was unanimously chosen to lead the council.

He said he is a few courses short of a master’s degree in public administration at Kutztown University.

He also is a trustee for the Bethlehem Area School District Foundation and a board member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

He and his wife, Erin, and their infant daughter live in West Bethlehem.

"I’ve always loved calling Bethlehem my hometown and want to continue making it an attractive place for families and businesses to enjoy the same opportunities I have," he said.