WHITEHALL TWP., Pa. — Philip Ginder was unanimously appointed to a vacant seat on the Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners during a special meeting on Wednesday night.
Ginder, 74, was selected from among three candidates interviewed on Monday to fill the seat created when Robert Piligian resigned on Feb. 12.
The other candidates were Anthony Cocca, 75, a former township recreation department director, and Taylor Stakes, 36, who relocated to Whitehall two years ago with a background in municipal government.
Stakes is a candidate for the board of commissioners in the May 20 Democratic primary election.
Ginder’s term expires on Dec. 31.
Ginder returns to the board of commissioners after having served six, non-consecutive, four-year terms, beginning in 1996.
A Democrat, Ginder had a wide and varied commitment of service in Whitehall Township beyond serving as commissioner.
He served on the township planning commission for six years and the traffic advisory board for five years. He also served on the Whitehall-Coplay School Board advisory relations commission.
“I appreciate the confidence you have in me. And I will do all I did the previous 24 years.”Philip Ginder, newly appointed to the Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners.
Ginder is not a candidate for the board of commissioners in the spring primary election.
“I’m just happy to serve the rest of this year,” he said after the appointment. “I’m not interested in running again, because of my age.”
Following his appointment, Ginder was sworn in by Whitehall Township Executive Assistant Larissa Bruder.
“I appreciate the confidence you have in me,” Ginder said. “And I will do all I did the previous 24 years.”
Ginder is a 49-year township resident. He is a Vietnam War combat veteran, attaining the rank of Army sergeant.
He earned a bachelor's degree from Eastern Kentucky University in 1975 and spent 40 years as a mechanical contractor.
Ginder believes his experience as a veteran, businessman and former commissioner will serve as a plus on the board.
Each board member thanked both Ginder and Stakes, who were present, as well as Cocca.
“We were very lucky to have three people step up,” said commissioners President Thomas Slonaker.
“There would have been more of a learning curve for Taylor. Phil and Anthony have been involved in the township. We appreciate all three.”
Added board Secretary Randy Atiyeh: “I thank all the candidates. They have experience. They all want to make our community better.”