BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Brad Klein reviews the week’s astronomical highlights with Bethlehem’s ‘Backyard Astronomy Guy,’ Marty McGuire.
This week, the full moon is on display the evening of Monday, August 19. The full moon of each month has one or more traditional names, and the August full moon is known as ‘the Sturgeon Moon.’
This full moon also has the distinction of being a Supermoon. That’s a full moon that is seen at a point in its elliptical orbit that places it a bit closer to Earth.

“So it looks slightly larger,” according to McGuire.
A full moon that occurs when at, or near the furthest point in its orbit, is sometimes known as a micromoon.
The full moon seen tonight is only slightly larger in the night sky, but just knowing that you are seeing the August Sturgeon Supermoon provides a bit of extra excitement on a summer evening.