NORTH WHITEHALL TWP., Pa. — North Whitehall Township Planning Commission on Tuesday reviewed updated plans for a 110-home subdivision on 102 acres along Rising Sun Road.
The company behind the project, Access Commercial Development, first introduced plans in 2023 for a subdivision at 1321-1323 Rising Sun Road, on what is currently open farmland near the Lehigh River.
Township planners granted conditional use approval for the project last June.
In response to earlier comments by township officials, the plan presented Tuesday removes several proposed driveways from Rising Sun Road, and shifts them to the other side of the homes they serve.
Relocating the driveways is the most impactful of several late-stage tweaks to the design as Access Commercial Development prepares to seek land development approval from the township.
Dealing with waivers
In the latest steps toward that approval, North Whitehall planners granted three waivers for township land development rules governing the layout of curved roads near intersections and the material used for underground storm sewer pipes.
However, a fourth requested waiver presented an obstacle.
Township rules require drainage and utility easements around the perimeter of every lot, but the subdivision’s current plan only includes easements along the front and rear of most lots.
" But if there needs to be adjustments because of a certain geographical issue or because of your design, the board would be open to that waiver in those areas.”Robert Korp
Rather than a waiver, members of the planning commission gave the developers homework: create a plan that more closely aligns with the easement requirements, or explain why they can’t.
“What I think I'm hearing here from the board is they want to see" the required easements, planning board member Robert Korp said.
“But if there needs to be adjustments because of a certain geographical issue or because of your design, the board would be open to that waiver in those areas.”
Though it is not yet clear exactly when, “we are going to see each other again,” planning commission member Al Geosits told representatives for the developer.