BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Join Megan Frank every Friday at 9:30am and 6:30pm for Insights with on WLVR.
Each week she’s joined by reporters to talk about the stories they’ve been following. These journalists are experts in their beats and offer you a greater understanding of the stories they’re working on.
Corruption is no stranger to Allentown, and recently, two officers in the Allentown Police Department filed a 47-page lawsuit alleging widespread criminal activity within the department’s Vice and Intelligence Units over the past decade.
Allentown Reporter Jason Addy read the entire lawsuit and fills Megan in on the allegations.

Before Bethlehem’s Darian Cruz went to the Paris Olympics, he talked with Reporter Phil Gianficaro.
Cruz, a wrestler, talked with Phil about goals and expectations. Darian is back in Bethlehem and met up with Phil again to talk about his experience. Phil is now working on a follow-up article for Lehigh Valley, but joined Megan to talk about Darian Cruz.