BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Join Megan Frank every Friday at 9:30am and 6:30pm for Insights with on WLVR.
Each week she’s joined by reporters to talk about the stories they’ve been following. These journalists are experts in their beats and offer you a greater understanding of the stories they’re working on.
Well, the drama just keeps on happening at Allentown City Hall.
On Wednesday, City Council was looking to hire legal counsel “to pursue any and all equitable and legal remedies against the mayor to enforce an agreement and enjoin any further obstruction of the investigation.”
Mayor Matt Tuerk this month told members he would not honor a contract for the long-mooted investigation, calling it “defective” and “void.”
Reporter Jason helps us sort out what is going on.
A severe storm hit our region on Wednesday, leaving over 30,000 residents without power. S
ocial Media Specialists Grace Oddo joins Megan to tell her more about the storm’s aftermath.
She also let’s us know how the reporting team works together to cover big weather related stories.
Megan also talks with Grace about a restaurant owner in Easton who cares enough about his neighbors to provide them with free water while we deal with extreme temperatures.
Listen below: