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Proposed warehouse project in Williams Township advances

Williams Township sign.jpg
Williams Township
A proposal to construct a 272,400-square-foot warehouse at 40 Hilton St. in Williams Township has advanced to a vote by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.

ALLENTOWN, Pa. — A proposal to build a more-than-270,00-square-foot warehouse in Williams Township will advance to a review by Lehigh Valley Planning Commission on Thursday.

On Tuesday, the LVPC Comprehensive Planning Committee accepted a staff review of the 272,700-square-foot warehouse project planned for 40 Hilton St., just outside Easton.

A lot consolidation of four parcels to total 16.338 acres is proposed as well to facilitate the development.

Two existing two-story buildings that contain active businesses are proposed to be demolished.

According to the Williams Zoning Map, the project parcel is zoned for General Industrial and borders Glendon to the west and Easton to the north.

The project site is just north of Interstate 78 and a half-mile from the nearest interstate entrance at Morgan Hill Road.

There are five existing site accesses to the parcel — two from Hilton Street, two from Line Street and one from Aspen and Belmont Street.

The plan is proposing to remove all existing site accesses and create two new accesses on Hilton Street.

The LVPC recommends an additional emergency access be included on the site plan near Line Street.

According to the General Land Use Plan in FutureLV: The Regional Plan, the parcel is in a development area.

The plan includes factors needed to support growth, such as sewer and transportation infrastructure capacity and contiguity to existing development.

The areas can accommodate additional development and are appropriate for a variety of uses, including industrial development.

Bethlehem project on hold

An applicant’s revisions to a proposal to amend a Bethlehem zoning ordinance has stalled a project involving Health Care Adaptive Reuse.

The applicant on Friday requested from Bethlehem an extension to revise aspects of the plan about which the city expressed concerns.

The application proposes to amend the Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance to add Health Care Adaptive Reuse as a use permitted by right in the Single Family Residential and High Density Residential Zoning Districts, with provisions allowing adaptive reuse of existing institutional uses.

According to the proposed ordinance, the Health Care Adaptive Reuse provisions are intended to allow certain parts of existing health care buildings to be converted to different health care uses.

Also, the provisions shall only apply to a lot occupied by an existing lawful Assisted Living Facility or Personal Care Home within the Single Family and High Density residential zoning districts.