Molly Bilinski
Environment & Science reporterI cover environment and science for LehighValleyNews.com. Originally from Schuylkill County, I got my start in journalism writing obituaries for the Reading Eagle in 2014 after graduating from Kutztown University. I’ve also reported for The Press of Atlantic City, covering municipalities, crime and courts, and The Morning Call, where I was part of the audience team. In 2022, I won first place in the diversity category of the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association’s Keystone Media Awards. Contact me at mollyb@lehighvalleynews.com or 610-984-8225.
Fahy Commons on March 3 received certification through Phius, a Chicago-based nonprofit that sets standards and certifies high-efficiency buildings.
Through April 25, a section of Institute Drive is closed in the Totts Gap Conservation Area. Officials aim to protect breeding frogs, toads and salamanders from being crushed by vehicle tires.
The Parade of Shamrocks, hosted by Celtic Cultural Alliance, kicked off Saturday afternoon and wound its way through the city’s Northside. Crowds were packed shoulder-to-shoulder on sidewalks along Broad and Main streets.
Staff from Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center took the drive to feed and water the bird, a Micronesian kingfisher, before its rescheduled flight. The rare bird is native to Guam.
A handful of Lehigh Valley farms are feeling the impact of the federal funding freeze. It's also causing a Harrisburg nonprofit focused on sustainable agriculture to announce furloughs starting next month.
Last year was a big year for dam removals not only in the Lehigh Valley, but across Pennsylvania. The state was ranked first in the U.S. for the most outdated, unsafe and uneconomical dams removed in 2024.
The Pennsylvania Invasive Replace-ive Program encourages property owners to remove invasive plants by offering native replacements, for free, during events in May throughout the state.
An invasive insect known for its voracious appetite that can defoliate millions of acres of forest, spongy moths have been an annual blight on the Valley and the rest of Pennsylvania for decades.
Center officials on Thursday opened the doors of its visitor and education center to highlight the building’s sustainable features. The Osprey House is an example of the opportunities nonprofit organizations can realize when it comes to energy efficiency, officials said.
A rehabilitation project on the Route 873 Lehigh Gap Bridge, which connects Washington Township, Lehigh County, and Lehigh Township, Northampton County, begins Thursday.
The inaugural meeting of the PA Road Salt Action Working Group was held Tuesday afternoon. The group aims to reduce salt pollution as well as promote responsible road salt application practices statewide.
Eric Mintel recently led an paranormal investigation at Miller Symphony Hall. It comes right before the second Bucks ParaCon, set for March 8.
There's been another attempt to repeal the Environmental Protection Agency's Lead and Copper Rule Improvements.
Emmaus Borough Council awarded the contracts earlier this week. The project focuses on two of the borough’s wells, including one that’s been offline since PFAS contamination was discovered.
Thousands of the Lehigh Valley's wild and domestic birds have been infected with avian flu. However, risk to songbirds remains low.
There have been dozens of claims brought against B. Braun alleging the ethylene oxide emissions from company facilities contributed to cancer cases in nearby residents and employees.
Applications are open for the The Good Farmer Award U.S. Officials are looking for farmers with less than 10 years of experience who exemplify sustainable farming practices while contributing to community and environmental health.
A Northampton County farm was one of the latest group to be included in Pennsylvania’s Farmland Preservation Program. The program aims to ward off development and protect open spaces.
Easton is hiring a sustainability coordinator. It marks the third of the Valley's major cities to carve out a position dedicated to sustainability initiatives and fighting the worsening impacts of climate change.
Sarah DeGrendel was recently hired as the city’s first sustainability manager. The position focuses on creating and facilitating sustainability initiatives while capturing grant funding to cover the cost of related projects.
St. Luke's University Health Network on Friday launched an email helpline for residents with questions about avian flu. No human cases have so far been recorded in Pennsylvania.
The Valley’s two major health networks are preparing for an increase in bird flu in people. Cases have been generally mild, with none reported so far in Pennsylvania.