Olivia Marble
Parkland area reporterI am the Parkland area reporter for LehighValleyNews.com, covering a broad range of stories. I was born and raised in Massachusetts, so the Lehigh Valley is new to me — I am always looking for restaurant recommendations! I graduated in 2022 from Mount Holyoke College with a degree in journalism. I interned at two NPR member stations during college: GBH in Boston and New England Public Media in Springfield, Mass., and decided I wanted to dedicate my career to public media. In my free time, I love to read, bake and listen to way too many podcasts. Contact me at OliviaM@lehighvalleynews.com or 610-984-8184.
Parkland School District administrator Frank Anonia is the subject of an internal investigation. He was recently deposed in a lawsuit that alleges the district knew another teacher, Christian Willman, was sexually assaulting students but did nothing to stop it.
June is Pride Month, an annual celebration of the LGBTQ community. There are many Pride events in and around the Lehigh Valley this year.
Former Slatington mayor Walter Niedermeyer, 81, died Friday at St. Luke’s Hospital in Fountain Hill, Lehigh County Coroner Daniel Buglio said.
North Whitehall Planning Commission discussed a proposal to construct a 547,500-square-foot, 50-foot-high warehouse about a half mile north of Orefield Middle School.
Professional cyclists and amateurs alike participated in races on a 0.8-mile circuit winding through Easton’s Downtown throughout the day and into the evening.
North Whitehall supervisors will host a conditional use hearing on Wednesday, June 5, for a revised plan of the controversial Rising Sun subdivision.
Upper Macungie Planning Commission has recommended approval to final plans for Americold Logistics’ warehouse expansion plan and the Twin Ponds housing development.
Parkland School Board approved a preliminary budget Tuesday that would take the millage rate from 16.30 mills to 17.12 mills — an increase of 5%. A final vote on the budget is pending.
The second annual Greenway Pride will be celebrated 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, at Southside Bethlehem’s Greenway between Taylor and Adams streets.
Parkland School District is likely taking on two expansion projects at Parkland High School and Orefield Middle School. More details are now coming to light about what they will look like — and how much they will cost.
The Upper Macungie Board of Supervisors discussed a new noise ordinance for the township, but disagreed on how exactly it should be enforced.
South Whitehall Board of Commissioners on Wednesday heard a proposal for a new PJ Whelihan’s in Ridge Farms, a mixed use housing development at the intersection of Cedar Crest Boulevard and Walbert Avenue.
Upper Macungie Zoning Hearing Board on Wednesday unanimously approved a revised plan for a warehouse at Nestle Way and Schantz Road.
King’s Real Estate Management & Development Company is in the process of building King’s Route 309 Business Park, a commercial development on 12 acres at Schneck Road and Route 309.
The battle in one rural community illustrates the conflicts that have grown with the Lehigh Valley's warehouse economy — friction between neighbors, and between developers and residents intent on limiting development. Local government officials often are stuck in the middle. (Third of 5 parts)
Upper Macungie Township has been at the center of a debate about how much the township can and should limit further warehouse development — and how to manage the ones already built and operating. (Second of 5 parts)
The Parkland School Board on Tuesday gave Robert Seel, Class of 1961, his long-awaited diploma. Seel left during his senior year in January 1961 to serve in the military.
Cetronia Volunteer Fire Company will hold an open house from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24, to celebrate its 100th anniversary.
This guide explains the basics of the laws governing land use in Pennsylvania and provides an example of the land development process.
Upper Macungie Planning Commission on Wednesday reviewed a preliminary/final plan for Sunset Orchards, a proposed housing development near the intersection of Shantz and Ruppsville roads.