Hellertown Borough's historical society touts the Heller-Wagner Grist Mill, located along West Walnut Street, as one of the oldest landmarks in town. The mill operated into the 1950s.
Saucon Valley school directors push to continue funding discussion about vo-tech school constructionSchool directors said there's still time to keep the discussion going on how Saucon Valley School District and two other local districts will fund the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School for the next 30 years.
With other communities around the state adopting bans on plastic bags, Lower Saucon could be on its way to something similar. if approved, it would involve a transition process to show shoppers the bigger picture and give time for businesses to properly offload plastic bags on hand.
Fire Chief Rick Delmore said the department is “severely lacking” personnel, mostly during the daytime hours. It serves Hellertown and neighboring Lower Saucon Township, providing a volunteer-based fire force with paid EMS services.
On June 19, Lower Saucon supervisors voted to begin the process of adding a paid chief position to the township, with the right candidate handling administrative duties of the fire force and leading its personnel.
The new Sheetz off Route 378 will consist of a 6,139-square-foot store with drive-thru and 12 fueling stations, according to designs approved by township officials Wednesday.
Says Cathy Leibensperger, Saucon Valley High School's wrestling scorekeeper for 44 years: “I look at the other inductees and I see people that have traveled the world, people that coached champions — I’m just a little scorekeeper from a little high school in Hellertown, Pennsylvania.”
The complaint alleges Sunshine Act violations from the township supervisors and legal filings from the township solicitor with no official approval beforehand.
Hellertown Borough Council on Monday voted in favor of preliminary plans for a Sheetz convenience store proposed for Kichline Avenue and Main Street.
Former Hellertown Police chief Robert Shupp appeared in district court Wednesday to waive his preliminary hearing.